Expert Evidence

Director Jim Gard’ner and the GJM Heritage team have extensive experience in preparing expert evidence and liaising with legal Counsel, as well as preparing and presenting to VCAT (Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal), Planning Panels and the Heritage Council of Victoria.

Peer Review

Sometimes a second opinion is warranted, we have a lot of experience in providing technical peer reviews of our contemporaries’ heritage assessments and opinions.

Feasibility Studies

Feasibility studies are preliminary studies undertaken in the very early stages of a project. They tend to be carried out when a project is large or complex, or where there is some doubt regarding the heritage status of a place or the implications of a proposed development.

Property nominated to the Victorian Heritage Register

We can help you understand the implications of a Victorian Heritage Register nomination.  Our advice would include our opinion on whether the nomination is warranted and the extent of the proposed registration.

Property RECOMMENDED for a local listing (inclusion in a Heritage Overlay)

We can help you understand the implication of a local listing.  Our advice would include our opinion on whether the recommendation is sound and whether any proposed grading or additional controls are reasonable.

Due Diligence for potential purchase

Purchasing a heritage listed property can feel intimidating. We can help take the stress out of the decision by preparing clear and concise information for potential buyers.

Project / Site development

We can provide heritage advice on a range of site development issues that may include: subdivision; demolition; assessment of heritage elements i.e. fences, walls, sheds, and other infrastructure.  We can also assist with heritage advice and recommendations on: development options, height, bulk, setbacks, design options, elements for retention.

Permit Advice

We can assist with fulfilling heritage conditions within your permit.