GJM Heritage can assist you with the preparation of Conservation Management Plans (CMPs).
Our CMPs are detailed documents that are tailored to meet the requirements of our clients. Each CMP sets out the heritage values of a recognised heritage place and identifies appropriate policies that assist in the conservation, development and management of the place.
The following are examples of recently completed Conservation Management Plans:
GJM Heritage was engaged by Canterbury Museum in Christchurch, New Zealand to collaborate with Dave Pearson Architects and Context P/L in the preparation of a Building Conservation Plan (BCP) for the heritage place. The BCP was prepared to inform management and statutory decision-making for the nationally important group of Gothic Revival buildings that collectively make up Canterbury Museum.
A Conservation Management Plan was prepared to assist in the management of the heritage place as condition of a subdivision proposal for the property. The approved CMP will assist in guiding future urban development around the modest farmhouse and outbuildings.
The Morwell Power Station is a large industrial complex located in the Latrobe Valley in Victoria that comprised a power station, two briquette factories, coal transportation systems, storage areas and ancillary buildings.
Following the closure of the Power Station in 2014 a Conservation Management Plan was prepared for Gippsland Infrastructure to facilitate the future use and management of the Power Station and to provide guidance on sensitively managing change. The CMP was a collaborative document prepared by Purcell Heritage Consultants and GJM Heritage.
Geelong City Council engaged GJM Heritage to undertake an assessment of the heritage values of the State-heritage listed Geelong Town Hall and to consider a strategy for future use in light of a proposal to relocate the administrative functions of the Town Hall to a new civic centre building, potentially converting the building for gallery space and other community-based functions.
We prepared a Conservation Management Plan to assist with managing future change to the heritage place. The Victorian Heritage Register extent of registration for the Geelong Town Hall was also amended following our advice.